
《罔兩問景II:中間物》新書出版 Book title: Penumbrae Query Shadow II: Thing-in-between


ISBN 9789865470487











Cindy Patton(裴新)Professor ofSociology and Anthropology, The University of Simon Fraser
Teri J. Silvio(司黛蕊)中央研究院民族學研究所研究員
王 蘋 台灣性別人權協會秘書長
王智明 中央研究院歐美所副研究員
丘延亮 社運流浪犬
何春蕤 國立中央大學英美語文學系講座教授/榮譽教授
吳靜如 台灣國際勞工協會TIWA研究員
洪 凌 世新大學性別研究所副教授
夏林清 輔仁大學心理學系退休教授、北京師範大學教育學部特聘教授
高旭寬 跨性別運動積極份子
張小虹 國立臺灣大學外國語文學系特聘教授
張潔平 Matters Lab創辦人暨執行長、前端傳媒總編輯
張歷君 香港中文大學中國語言及文學系客座助理教授
許維賢 新加坡南洋理工大學人文學院副教授
陳光興 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies與《人間思想》主編
陳界仁 台灣著名當代藝術家
陳佩甄 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所助理教授
游 靜 國立中央大學英美語文學系 專任教授
黃盈盈 中國人民大學社會與人口學院社會學系教授、博導
廖勇超 國立臺灣大學外國語文學系副教授
劉紀蕙 國立陽明交通大學榮譽退休教授、亞際文化研究國際學程約聘專任教授



國立中央大學英語系教授,性/別研究室成員。著有Obscene Things: Sexual Politics in Jin Ping Mei(2002);與劉人鵬、白瑞梅合著《罔兩問景:酷兒閱讀攻略》(2007);與劉人鵬合編《置疑婚姻家庭連續體》(2011)。



宋玉雯、鄭聖勳、蔡孟哲合編,2012);《抱殘守缺:21 世紀殘障研究讀本》(與宋玉雯、蔡孟哲、鄭聖勳合編,2014)。


印度班加羅爾文化與社會研究中心(Centre for the Study of Culture and Society)文化研究博士、拉岡取向心理分析實踐者、社會運動者。目前為德里安貝卡大學(Ambedkar University, Delhi)心理系博士候選人。


台大建築與城鄉研究所碩士,曾就讀於印度班加羅爾文化與社會研究中心(Centre for the Study of Culture and Society),現為印度理工學院德里分校(Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi)人文與社會科學研究所博士候選人。


李思齊/任教於美國北佛羅里達州大學(University of North Florida)英語系,曾於國立中央大學性/別研究室擔任客座(2017)。
張馨文/德里安貝卡大學(Ambedkar University, Delhi)心理系博士候選人
黃詠光/印度理工學院德里分校(Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi)人文與社會科學研究所博士候選人




第一部分 晷影遷馳:在歷史轉型與知識形構之間




第二部分 無待而獨?─在空白與(種族)階序之間

何謂台灣的「主體性/ subjectivity」?一個在亞洲「之間」的方法論的實踐 /張馨文



第三部分 木石之怪:在轉向介質與未知新地之間


中國跨性別性工作者不確定的未來與言證紀錄片/李思齊(Nicholas de Villiers) 著,蕭美芳、張行 譯,林純德 校譯

幻設轉向:「千禧年」之「喻」/白瑞梅(Amie Parry)著,張竣昱 譯,方郁甄 校訂



Book title: Penumbrae Query Shadow II: Thing-in-between

Authors: Nai-fei Ding, Amie Parry, Nicholas de Villiers, Wen-ling Lin, Chien-Ting Lin, Dennis C. Lin, Hsin-wen Chang, Wing-kwong Wong, Jen-peng Liu

Editors: Naifei Ding, Jen-peng Liu, Hsin-wen Chang, Wing-kwong Wong

Imagining the be-coming-in-common of “the multitude of penumbrae”

Under different categories, structures, and modes of

Affect, Sex, and Non-human

and with the Thing-in-between as Method

“Penumbrae Query Shadow,” with its original meaning (as the faint shading at the exterior of a shadow) allegorizes a state of double marginality (the margin of the margin), a (quasi) subject receding at every layer of the strata. The receding point of its reference also entails the impossibility of mutual referencing. The articles in this book extend the initial queries of Penumbrae Query Shadow: Queer Reading Tactics published 15 years ago, by reflecting on the external and internal limits of its history and concepts, revisiting the lingering and unresolved questions and theses there, and identifying multiple forms of beings yet in their indistinct profiles. Here “penumbrae”, as the faint shadings at the exterior of shadows, is no longer limited to the narrow sense of “sexual minorities,” but instead extends to many unnameable things—— a cohort not only of the anthropo-subjects of yaos and concubines, but also of the material penumbrae (roads, nuclear waste, severed fingers, the speculative genre), the affective penumbrae (negativity, emptiness, ancient ghosts). The book as a sequel unfolds the queries of the penumbrae from an elusive spatio-temporal position provided by reading the penumbrae allegories of “the passing sundial shadows, the unabiding shady minute” (Zhang Taiyan, 1869-1936) and “that which is neither this nor that ” (Yan Fu, 1854-1921) and reflects anew on the trajectories of the “Things-in-between” in the modernity formations and thoughts in the inter-Asia localities.

The import of “the multitude of penumbrae” as method lies in the “query””- which is to say,

a potent form of pensée, querying at the margins.

This book attempts to take Lu Xun(1881-1936)’s re-inscription/rendering of Nietzsche(1844-1900)’s usage of the word “Mitte”(noun.: middle, between, midst, mean), from Thus Spoke Zarathustra, as the “tropical” concept of zhong-jian-wu (Thing-in-between) to a “geo-colonial historical” epistemological dimension, working as a guiding and mediating concept to read the nine essays by nine authors collected in the book that together explore the possibility of critical knowledge production in the Asian present. The questions opened up by each essay seem like rings knotted closely with one another, with “thing-in-between” as the ring in between/in the middle, the locale where the problematics of knowledge production converge. With academic works increasingly being individualised at the present moment, we hope to explore through the experiment of the book a possibility of co-labouring “in the midst of / in-between” the collective.

Features of the Book:

To exhibit the temporal paradox— between belatedness and yet-to-come, instead of the linear history or “center-periphery” trope, so as to further connect the thematics across time and places and across different categories and explore “thing-in-between” as a non-spatial trope for the historical process and its transitionality.
Through the “tropical” concept of “Thing-in-between”, interconnections and mutual interrogations between the conceptual devices and signifiers in all the essays are densely woven like a web, for which we coined an odd catachrestic term “inter-trans-(re)ference”, where the inter-referencing is always transference that carries back a new reading and affect.
To provide readers with a stepping stone to think about “thing-in-between” in the historical conjuncture of colonialism and cold-war, so as to offer a bridge to be passed over for the inter-Asian epistemic-affective labour of decolonization that is yet-to-come .
Academic praise (alphabetical by surname)

CHANG Hsiao-Hung | Distinguished Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University

Chieh-Jen CHEN | Renowned Taiwan Contemporary Artist

Kuan-Hsing CHEN | Chief Editor, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies and Renjian Thought Review

Pei-Jean CHEN | Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Taiwanese Literature, National Chengchi University

Lik Kwan CHEUNG | Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Fred Y.L. CHIU | Social Movement Hound

Xu-Kuan GAO | Activist for the Transgender Movement

Wai-Siam HEE | Associate Professor, School of Humanities, Nanyang Technological University

Josephine HO | Chair Professor / Professor Emeritus, Department of English, National Central University

Lin-Ching HSIA | Retired Professor, Department of Psychology, Fu Jen Catholic University; Senior Chair Professor, Education Faculty, Beijing Normal University

Yingying HUANG | Professor & Doctoral Supervisor, School of Sociology and Population Studies, Renmin University of China

Lucifer HUNG | Associate Professor, Graduate Institute for Gender Studies, Shih Hsin University

Yung-Chao LIAO | Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University

Joyce LIU | Emeritus Professor, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University; Contracted Professor, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies International Degree Program

Cindy PATTON | Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, Simon Fraser University

Teri J. SILVIO | Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica

Chih-Ming WANG | Associate Research Fellow, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica

WANG Ping | Secretary General, Gender/Sexuality Rights Association, Taiwan

WU Jing-Ru | Research Fellow, Taiwan International Workers’ Association (TIWA)

YAU Ching | Professor, Department of English, National Central University

Jieping ZHANG | Founder and CEO of Matters Lab; Former Chief Editor of Initium Media


Preface | Not Belated but yet to Come: the Temporalities of Thing-in-between and the Multitude of Penumbrae / Pei-Jean Chen

Introduction | “Thing-in-between(zhong-jian-wu)” Methodology / Wing-Kwong Wong, Hsing-Wen Chang, Jen-Peng Liu, Nai-fei Ding

Part 1 Passing Sundial Shadows: Between Historical Transformation and Knowledge Formation

Sex, Yin, Translation: Nooks and Crannies of Sex/Gender Knowledge Reconfiguration in Late Qing China / Jen-peng Liu

The Negative Transference in Inter-Asian Encounters: Qu Qiubai and Tagore, 1924 / Wing-Kwong Wong

Winners Take All! Marriage Transformation and Women’s Rights Evolution / Naifei Ding; trans. Hans Tao-Ming Huang

Part 2 In-dependent One? Between Emptiness and (Racial) Hierarchicus

What is Zhu-ti-xing/Subjectivity in Taiwan? An Exercise of Inter-Asia Methodology / Hsing-Wen Chang

Fixing the Severed Fingers: The Militarization of Injured Nationalism and Racialized Cold War Liberal Humanism / Chien-Ting Lin

Flamboyantly Yao: Shanzhai Gender/Sexual Modularization Among Contemporary Chinese Yaos / Dennis Chwen-der Lin

Part 3 The Queerness of Woods-Stones: Between the Material Turn and the Unknown New Terrain

Mediations and Transformations of Social Issues: Analysis of Two Taiwan Indigenous Documentaries of Sasuyu Ubalat / Wen-Ling Lin

Uncertain Futures of Chinese Trans Sex Workers and Testimonial Documentary / Nicholas de Villiers; trans. Mei-fong Siu, Xing Zhang; ed. and trans. Dennis Chwen-der Lin

The Speculative Turn: Parables for the Millennium / Amie Parry; trans. Jun-Yu Zhang; ed. and annot. Yu-Jen Fang

#新書座談會|《罔兩問景II:中間物》 🏃現正報名中➫https://reurl.cc/ROY92Z


ID:829 6019 8675


主持人:廖勇超 /國立臺灣大學外國語文學系副教授


黃詠光/印度理工學院德里分校(Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi)人文與社會科學研究所博士候選人
張馨文/德里安貝卡大學(Ambedkar University, Delhi)心理系博士候選人

經費來源 : 教育部高等教育深耕計畫

