國立交通大學文化研究國際中心暨 亞際文化研究國際碩士學位學程(台聯大系統)徵聘專案教師公告
一、 徵聘職務:助理教授等級之專案教師2名。
二、 起聘日期:109學年第一學期(109年8月1日)起,
三、 應徵條件:
四、 專案任務:
1. 研究所課程:個人專業相關課程;
2. 研究所課程:論文寫作方法課;
3. 大學部課程:文化研究相關課程。
五、 應徵資料:
1. 個人履歷表及自傳。
2. 身份證、護照或居留證影本;
3. 學、經歷證明影本(最高學歷持外國學歷者必須完成駐外單位驗證;
4. 擬任三門課程之教學計劃及課程大綱(包括教學目標、
5. 配合文化研究國際中心發展的未來研究方向及計畫構想書(三頁);
6. 最高學位論文及代表著作全文;
7. 推薦信2封,請由推薦人彌封寄至學程辦公室或是學程辦公室電子信
8. 以上文件(除推薦信外),請依序合併為一PDF電子檔寄到電子信
六、 應徵日期:自即日起至109年1月1日(星期三)
七、 面試、試講時間:109年2月13日。書面初審合格者,
聯絡人資訊:陳曉妮助理 電話:03 573 1657
地址:300新竹市東區大學路1001號 國立交通大學人社二館103室
Job Vacancy:
Full-Time Project Assistant Professor (contract-based) –
International Center for Cultural Studies (ICCS) & International Master’s Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS-UST)
The Position: Full-Time Project Assistant Professor (contract-based)
Vacancy: 2
Anticipated Start Date: August 1st 2020, for two years
1. Ph.D. in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Humanities and social studies or related field;
2. Research field relevant to the 4 research cluster of IACS-UST: (1)critical theory and asian modernity, (2)contemporary thought-trends and social movements, (3) visual culture, and (4)gender studies preferred;
3. Able to teach course in English and supervise thesis preferred.
1. Offer courses (may reduce the teaching hour according to the regulations of new faculty)
i. Graduate Courses in individual professional related
ii. Graduate Courses in thesis writing methodology
iii. Undergraduate Courses in Cultural Studies related
2. Administrative work in assist ICCS research projects and IACS-UST.
Application Materials:
1. CV & autobiography;
2. Photocopy of ID card or passport;
3. Photocopies of MA/Ph.D. diploma and transcript (Overseas diplomas verification required).
4. 3 course syllabus for the courses you can offer;
5. The research concept paper and future research direction related to the development of ICCS (in 3 pages)
6. Doctoral thesis and representative publication in full text
7. 2 letters of recommendation (please send to ICCS mailbox by the referees directly);
8. Please merge the application material in order into a pdf file (except for letters of recommendation) and send to ICCS mailbox. Subject line:【ASTP Application-ICCS/IACS_your name】
Application Procedure
Deadline: Jan 1st,2020, please submit the required application materials to the mailbox: iccs@nctu.edu.tw
Interview and trial lecture period: February 13, 2020. (A short-listed applicants will be notified beforehand.)
Contact Information
Ms. Nini Tan Tel: +886-3-5131657 website:http://iccs.nctu.edu.
Mailbox: xiaoni0511.iac04g@g2.nctu.edu.
R103 HA Building 2, National Chiao Tung University, 1001University Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300
陳曉妮 Nini Tan
陳曉妮 Nini Tan