2021秋 亞際文化研究演講系列Inter-Asia Cultural Studies lecture series 2021 Fall【英文演講、實體與線上同步進行】
時間Time: 每週一(Mon.) 1330-1630
線上會議室Virtual Meeting Room: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/
地點 Venue: 陽明交通大學人社二館106A HA Building2, 106A, NYCU
12/06Topic: 受難城市:楊德昌殺之影像 City of Passion: Killing in the Cinema of Edward Yang Lecturer: 勞維俊/ 陽明交通大學視覺文化研究所副教授 Prof. Louis Lo/ Institute of Visual Cultural Studies, NYCU
Topic: 想像的視野:如何透過視覺分析說故事? Believing is Seeing: How to Tell a Story through Visual Analysis? Lecturer: 黃桂瑩/ 陽明交通大學視覺文化研究所副教授 Prof. Huang, Kuei Ying/ Institute of Visual Cultural Studies, NYCU
------------------------------ 12/13Topic: 成為馬來世界的華人:殖民、移民與新加坡歷史 Becoming Chinese in the Malay World: colonialism, diaspora, and history in Singapore Lecturer: 蔡秀敏/ 陽明交通大學人社系兼任助理教授 Prof. Sai, Siew Min / Dept. of Humanities & Social Sciences, NYCU
Topic: Farmer Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Snail Lecturer: 蔡晏霖 / 陽明交通大學人社系副教授 Prof. Tsai, Yen Ling / Dept. of Humanities & Social Sciences, NYCU
Topic: 司法救助與外籍勞工:挑戰和機會 Access to Justice and Migrant Workers: Challenges and Opportunities Special guest: Dr. Bonny Ling, Executive Director of Work Better Innovations, Research Fellow with the Institute for Human Rights and Business, and Advisory Board Member of Human Rights at Sea. She worked for the UN in Geneva, Bosnia, Cyprus and Liberia.
------------------------------ 12/20Topic: 情欲與文明——近代越南《男女交合附論》中愛、 Sex and Civilization: The Discourse of Ai and Yin in Nam Nữ Giao Hợp Phụ Luận in Early Modern Vietnam and the Imperialist Imaginary of the Perfect Human Beings Lecturer: 陳氏秋香 / 清華大學中國文學系博士生 Thi Thu Huong Tran / PhD student, Dept. of Chinese Literature, NTHU
Discussants: 劉人鵬 / 清華大學中國文學系教授 Prof. Liu, Jen-Peng / Dept. of Chinese Literature, NTHU 丁乃非 / 中央大學英美語文學系教授 Prof. Naifei (Fifi) Ding / Dept. of English, NCU
------------------------------ 12/27Topic: 文化運動與社會運動 Cultural Movement and Social Movement *中文演講(英文同步口譯) *Lecture in Chinese (English Simultaneous Interpretation provided) Lecturer: 陳瑞樺 / 清華大學社會所副教授 Prof. Chen, Rui-Hua / Institute of Sociology, NTHU 莊雅仲 /陽明交通大學人社系教授 Prof. Chuang, Ya-Chung / Dept. of Humanities & Social Sciences, NYCU ------------------------------ 主辦單位:亞際文化研究國際碩士學位學程; |