2018年國際文化研究學會(ACS)第十二屆雙年會“Crossroads in Cultural Studies2018” 截稿延期




2018年8月,國際文化研究學會(ACS)第十二屆雙年會“Crossroads in Cultural Studies2018”將在上海大學召開。大會分為兩個部分:4天(8月12-15日)的大會(conference),和1天(8月11日)的青年專場(pre-conference)。
大會的各場主題發言人是:Guy Standing(英)、Meaghan Morris(澳)、Lawrence Grossberg (美)、溫鐵軍、Cheikh Gueye(塞內加爾)、Sandro Mezzadra(意)、Neferti X.M.Tadiar(菲律賓)和Maria Rojas(阿根廷)。青年專場的主題發言人是陳光興。
由於大會官網在十月中下旬不易登入,導致廣大文化研究同道無法及時獲悉大會資訊、投遞申請,大會決定將申請截止時間延至2017年12月20日。期待你精心準備,向大會提 交更成熟的參會申請。

青年專場投稿連結: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pcxr2018
(1)設想中的panel 主題;
注:郵件主題請標注people's Park。
為了讓更多關注文化研究的年輕人體驗全球文化研究的新鮮活力,參與Crossroads in Cultural Studies2018的創造和分享,大會向全球招募會議志願者。如果你是文化研究的愛好者,還沒有準備好向大會和青年場申請與會,不妨加入志願者隊伍,來和世界各地的參會者充分交流,拓寬視野,加深對文化研究的理解。
志願者報名時間截止日期延至2017年 12月10日,請有意參加者,在此之前發送以下資料至大會工作郵箱(CROSSROADS2018-pre@outlook.com.)
(1) 中英文個人簡歷;
(2) 對文化研究的理解(中文,500-800字);
(3) 個人研究興趣的介紹(英文,500字左右);

Submission Deadline Extended to December 20th, 2017

Dear all,
Considering the obstruction in accessing the Crossroads 2018 conference website in the last three weeks of October, the organizing committee has decided to extend the submission deadline to December 20th, 2017 for both the main conference and pre-conference. Please enter our mirror site of the conference one (www.crossroads2018.org ), or facebook page (crossroads2018), to get more information.

You can submit your panel/individual paper proposal here.
For Conference: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=xroads2018
For Pre-conference: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pcxr2018

Hosted by Shanghai University, Crossroads 2018 has an exciting line up. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with leading researchers in the field. Featured speakers include Guy Standing (UK), Meaghan Morris (AU), Lawrence Grossberg (US), Kuang Hsing Chen, WEN Tiejun (China), Sandro Mezzadra (Italy), Neferti Tadiar (Philippine), Cheikh Gueye (Senegal), Maria Rojas (Argentina) and many more speakers to be announced!

Also, a unique online bulletin board called "People's Park" (http://www.cul-studies.com/index.php…)has been made accessible. Participants who need to organize panels are encouraged to find their panel partners with this platform. Please feel free to contact them to organize panels if you have similar ideas. You can also email the organizers (crossroads2018@outlook.com) with the subject line “People’s Park” if you are willing to find panel partners by joining “People’s Park.” A Microsoft Word attachment file (doc, docx) including the topic of your individual paper, suggestions for the topics of the potential panel you might organize, and personal information such as an email address and research interests will also be needed.